GitHub Repo stars GitHub watchers

I’ve been browsing the DevForum lately as there are many awesome resources that I can use for my personal projects. I had a thought to share them here so you don’t have to search those awesome resources by yourself (considering most of the DevForum post on Resources category is filled with badly coded resources nowadays, no offense though), and here it is. Make sure to credit the creator of the library that you’re using somewhere on your game (even if the creator didn’t ask to) as a appreciation for making such amazing resources!

This list contains safe resources that you can use for your games, so you don’t have to worry about them being a malicious resource.

Also, this repo will be updated as long as I found something interesting on DevForum (or GitHub) and will not be updated frequently.

Table of Contents


NOTE: Some of these libraries has its own GitHub repository. Be sure to read the license to know what you can do with it, or you’ll ran into some serious issues!

Library Creator Description Documentation Notes
BetterChat Jumpathy A feature-rich chat system that supports rich text, message editing, and alot more! Docs If you don’t like Roblox’s default chat, use this one. I guarantee that you’ll like it!
dat.GUI (DevForum thread, GitHub repo) nidorx (DevForum, GitHub) A lightweight GUI and controller library. Documented on the thread, or here Useful if you want to make simple settings or something similar. If you only need list button, checkboxes, or GTA 5-like buttons, use RbxGuiLib instead. For sliders, use this.
RbxGuiLib (DevForum thread, GitHub repo) EgoMoose (DevForum, GitHub) Another GUI library that you can use to make few common GUI components (like slider bars, checkboxes, you name it) that didn’t present in Roblox created by the legend himself! Documented on the source code itself -
ColourUtils (DevForum thread, Github repo) csqrl (DevForum, GitHub) A color manipulation module. If you like messing with colors, you came to the right place. Docs -
ProfileService (DevForum thread, GitHub repo) loleris (DevForum, GitHub) A known DataStore module that features session locking1 Docs If you’re confused with the documentation, read the tutorial below this section.
ReplicaService (DevForum thread, GitHub repo) loleris (DevForum, GitHub) A selective state2 replication system. Docs Suitable with ProfileService. Read the tutorial below this section.
FormatNumber Blockzez It’s a simple to use number formatting module that saves you some work implementing your own. Documented on the thread -
TopbarPlus (DevForum thread, GitHub repo) ForeverHD (DevForum, GitHub) TopbarPlus is a module enabling the construction of dynamic topbar icons. Docs -
zblox164’s Placement Service (DevForum thread, GitHub repo) zblox164 (DevForum Thread, GitHub) A simple placement system that you can use on your building game Documented on the thread, or here “This module is made specifically for sandbox tycoons, not open world games.”
- zblox164
berezaa’s MoneyLib module berezaa (DevForum, GitHub) A simple module to convert numbers to readable ones. It’s the one that Miner’s Haven uses. - -
t-util Myself Adds some additional table methods that you can use for manipulting tables, such as filtering, deep copy, merge, etc. Compatible with both Lua and Luau. Docs -
ZonePlus (DevForum thread, GitHub repo) ForeverHD (DevForum, GitHub) ZonePlus utilises the new Spatial Query API and whitelists to effectively determine players, parts and custom items within a zone. Docs Read the example to get the idea of ZonePlus.
Nexus VR Character Model (DevForum thread, GitHub repo) TheNexusAvenger (DevForum, GitHub) An open-source VR system for allowing players to play as their Roblox character in first-person. - If you want your game to be VR-compatible, use this. Many VR games uses this library.
HintService maddjames28 A simple way to display hints. It can be useful in games with announcements, or it can be useful just for telling the player or tip or giving them a hint. - -
Ragdoll Module kalabgs A ragdoll module that works on every character rig (I hope…) - -
Notification Cards Plasmanode A easy-to-use notification card with decent UI. Documented on the thread A really good replacement for Roblox’s built-in notification system
Roblox Lua Promise evaera An implementation of Promise similar to Promise/A+. Docs -
Watchdog Im_Hiatus An open-source basic moderation module. - -
LayoutUtil (GitHub, DevForum thread) iiNemo This library was designed to aid developers in maintaining the aspect ratio of each child element within a ScrollingFrame, while automatically sizing the canvas. - -
Proximity Prompt Customizer BitwiseAndrea Customize Roblox’s built-in ProximityPrompt with ease! - This library is plug-and-play, which means you just have to put it somewhere to make it work.
PartyService CavaleiroDev Manage party lobbies with ease. Documented on the thread Seems like a good module, but this module’s documentation is badly written. Don’t use if you need a versatile party system (or just make it for yourself, really).
Immersive Environments https_KingPie A robust and feature packed system that can elevate the degree of control and detail in your game. Docs Kinda pain-in-the-ass to set up at first, but once you set it up correctly, it’s really good.
Lexer sleitnick (DevForum, GitHub), boatbomber (DevForum, GitHub) Lexical scanner for creating a sequence of tokens from Lua source code. Documented on the source code itself Can be useful if you want to create something like a syntax highlighting for your game/plugin.
SliderService Krystaltinan A slider module with tons of customizabilty. Documented on the thread Basically RbxGuiLib’s slider module but more customizable.
GuiCollisionService (DevForum thread, GitHub repo) jaipack17 (DevForum, GitHub) A 2D Collision module Docs if you want to create 2d-based game, use this lol
DataStore2 (GitHub repo, DevForum Thread) Kampfkarren (DevForum, Github) Open source module that uses berezaa’s method of saving data that prevents data loss, caches, and verifies data before saving. Docs It is quite popular, however some people prefer ProfileService for its session-locking feature.
EZ Camera Shake ported to ROBLOX (Github repo, DevForum Thread) Sleitnick (DevForum, Github) A Roblox port of EZ Camera Shake from Unity3D asset Documented on thread -
Realism (Github Repo, DevForum Thread) MaximumADHD (DevForum, Github) A light-weight character enhancement system for better third-person and first-person POVs - -
Searcher (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) xSwezan (DevForum, GitHub) Search for Instance with specific criteria WIP If you need a replacement of Roblox’s FindFirstChild or even FindFirstChildOfClass, then this one is for you, I guess…
Looking at the source code, it is easy to use as well!
String+ (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) EgizianoEG (DevForum, GitHub) Extended library of the default string library. Docs -
Social Chat (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) EgizianoEG (DevForum, GitHub) A completely custom chat system with cool features such as easy-to-use API, custom emoji support, chat highlight support for readability. Docs Be sure to read the FAQs on the GitHub repo if you want to add your own custom emoji
Sunflares MrChickenRocket Screenspace particle rendering and sun glow effect no docs since it’s just plug-and-play lol -
Iris (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) Alyrianix (DevForum, GitHub) Immediate mode GUI Library for Roblox, Based on Dear ImGui Docs If you want more updated debugging UI module than datGUI, I’d recommend you to check this one
Knit sleitnick Lightweight game framework for Roblox Docs If you want to organize your workflow, you came at the right place.
RbxUtil sleitnick A collection of utility modules for Roblox. Docs Use Rojo to utilize each of these. If you desperately want one of them, standalone Knit already have them all.
roblox-pyc AsynchronousAI A Python, C, C++, Moonscript, Text/Json port to Roblox. Docs cutting-edge project, do not use in production.
Real Sun Path Pulsarnova Realistic Sun Movement and Longer/Shorter Days! no docs since it’s just plug-and-play library lol You should read the full thread, since it has useful information for you to learn.
Dynamic Weather Library anon53193547 A highly realistic simulation of weather. - -
Zlib/Deflate String Compression Scarious well, a compression library… Docs Useful for data compression
Roact Roblox A declarative UI library for Roblox Lua inspired by React. Docs This is really powerful if you are planning to make advanced UI.
Cmdr (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) evaera (DevForum, GitHub) A fully extensible and type safe command console for Roblox Developers Docs Versatile library for debugging.
Warp (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) Eternity_Devs (DevForum, GitHub) Blazingly fast and powerful networking library Docs -
Rain (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) buildthomas (DevForum, GitHub) A rain module designed to work straight out of the box. Docs Read pros and cons before proceeding
Re:Notify 0bBinary Modern and sleek notification framework. Documented on the thread -
UIStrokeAdjuster Awesom3_Eric A simple fix to properly scale UIStrokes Documented on the thread -
Color (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) Author (DevForum, GitHub) Roblox Luau library for color management and manipulation, inspired by chroma.js. Docs -
Dial Display (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) ItsPlasmaRBLX (DevForum, GitHub) A clean multipurpose display Documented on the thread -
RBLXGUI (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) something786 (DevForum, GitHub) Studio-like GUI Library that emulates the standard “studio” look and feel No docs at the moment, please make a pull request if there is one Not to be confused with EgoMoose’s RbxGuiLib
Fiu (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) RCE Incorporated Luau bytecode interpreter for Luau Docs could be vulnerable with script attacks, use with caution
Secure Lua VM [ASense Team] A secure Lua VM based on FiOne Documented on the thread Luau support is not implemented
CustomClickDetector (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) commitblue (DevForum, GitHub) A custom implementation of Roblox’s ClickDetector Docs See differences between Roblox’s built-in ClickDetector and this library
LayoutUtil (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) iiNemo (DevForum, GitHub) Automatically sizes a ScrollingFrame’s UIGridLayout/UIListLayout Docs -


Utility Plugins

A list of plugins that you can use to make your life easier than ever!

Plugin Creator Description Price⠀⠀ Notes
Atmos Elttob (DevForum, GitHub) Provides you professional skyboxes and lighting that you can use in your game. $29.99 -
InCommand boatbomber (DevForum, GitHub), Elttob (DevForum, GitHub) Versatile, adaptable command bar replacement, designed with power users in mind. $29.99 -
Reclass Elttob (DevForum, GitHub) Easily convert your Instance into different class without a hassle. $14.99 -
Tool Grip Editor MaximumADHD (DevForum, GitHub) A plugin which makes it much easier to edit the grip of a Tool! Free! -
AutoScale ZacBytes (DevForum, GitHub) This plugin can convert a UI element’s size/position to Scale or Offset, and it has auto scaling feature. Free! There is a pro version of this plugin that you can also check it out here.
DataStore Editor sleitnick (DevForum, GitHub) This plugin lets you view and edit data in Roblox DataStores (normal and ordered). Numbers, strings, tables, etc. $9.99 Although it’s quite pricey, this plugin is worth the price!
Free DataStore Editor Xsticcy (DevForum, GitHub) A free alternative to sleitnick’s DataStore Editor for those who can’t afford it! Free! If you are broke enough to buy sleitnick’s editor, this is a great alternative.
RoRender reteach (DevForum, GitHub) Minimap renderer. Free! Might be very demanding depending on how big & detailed your map is, and how powerful your PC is. Use with caution.
Interface Tools fivefactor The plugin helps expedite user interface design by providing easy access to hundreds of icons, patterns, gradients, and button styles. 1000 not worth the price, but I’m not gonna stop you from buying it.
Tag Editor (DevForum thread, GitHub repo) Sweetheartichoke This plugin allows you to create tags, and then assign them to objects in your game. You can also visualize and view a list of what objects have a given tag, and so on. Free! Roblox released their own implementation of Tag Editor integrated in Studio. It has the same functionallity as this plugin does, I’d recommend you to switch from this plugin to Roblox’s built-in plugin.
Lucide Icon Picker 7kayoh An icon picker for Lucide Icons. Free! Not all icons are available, as this plugin is still in alpha stage. Also, the Roblox library version is not working, get it here instead. If you want more icons, build the plugin yourself.
Dialogue Editor Sol_ttu An advanced dialogue editor with a cool node editor, so you can make dialogues without killing your brain with scripting. Free! Really, you should check this out when creating RPG game. It’s easy to use!
Moon Animator 2 xsixx An advanced animation editor with robust and versatile features $29.99 VERY EXPENSIVE, yet VERY USEFUL PLUGIN if you are attempting to make video animations inside Roblox.
Studio Fast Travel CurtisOrNot This plugin allows you to save and teleport your studio camera so you don’t have to fly to one location over and over again! Free! -
Studio Clock Throwawayfour7x4 A plugin that adds a widget to your studio that displays the current time in a 12 hour format, and how long you’ve been working in your current session. Free! -
Fluency Icon Library blve_hxrizon An icon library plugin for Microsoft’s Fluent Icons. Free! Restart studio after installing this plugin.
Roact Visualizer pa00 Preview Roact tree in real-time. Free! NOT compatible with react-lua.
CornerPro Noxhazel A plugin that allows you to set corner size on specific corner. Free! -
NodeGraph tyridge77 Create 3D nodes and connect them together to form networks or paths. Free! Could be useful for custom NPC pathfinding
Dropper metatablecatmaid External RBXM inserter Free! Roblox-made models cannot be imported using this plugin. However, user-made models can!
Swap defaultyboii1324 Supercharged class converter and more Free! See some key differences between this plugin and Reclass
GUI Copilot defaultyboii1324 Make quick edits to your GUIs Free! great plugin holy shit
UI Labs PepeElToro41 A storybook visualizer for Roblox used to test user interfaces. Free! Similar to Roact Visualizer, but this plugin is compatible with almost any GUI framework.

Building Plugins

I decided to make dedicated building plugins section as there are many building plugins that existed on Roblox marketplace, and also to prevent confusion.

Plugin Creator Description Price⠀⠀ Notes
Magic Wand Selection Tool tyridge77 A magic wand selection tool that works similarly to magic wand selection tools in photo editors, since we can perform faster collision/intersection queries now. Free! -
RigEdit Arch_Mage Well, a rig editor… Free! If you want more features such as weld editing, I’d suggest you to buy the premium version.
ThreeDText2 XAXA Create 3D text with mesh parts Free! -
Archimedes 3 Scriptos A Roblox building plugin that allows users to easily create smooth arcs. Free! “If you’re capable of using something like Blender, then It’s HIGHLY recommended to use that instead. Archimedes is not a magic solution to creating “bendy” parts. Excessive use can lead to high part count, which is undesirable for performance reasons.”
- Scriptos
Building Tools by F3X GigsD4X A set of wonderfully simple and powerful in-game building tools, designed and built by the F3X team. Free! Definetly recommend you to use this plugin due to the features that it has to offer.
QuickRoad stravant A fully customizable road generator plugin, basically. Free! Supports arbitrary shapes too!
Hide Water PoppyandNeivaarecute This plugin allows you to toggle the visibility of terrain water. Free! -
Axis Indicator (GitHub repo, DevForum thread) DonKingFrog (DevForum, GitHub) Better selector inspired by Blender, a 3D modeling software. Free! Sleek UI, check it out

Community Tools

Tool Creator Description
OpenCloudTools (DevForum thread, GitHub repo) Skrateboard (DevForum, GitHub) A desktop application for Windows and MacOS (if you are on Linux, you have to compile it yourself, unfortunately) that allows you to interact with Roblox’s Open Cloud API. This means you can edit DataStores and publish contents with MessagingService outside of Roblox environment!
PixelFix (DevForum thread, GitHub repo) Corecii (DevForum, GitHub) Remove the black edges on scaled images, very useful if your images (especially icons) has black edges after uploading it on Roblox.
Rojo The Rojo Team Rojo is a project management tool designed to get professional resources in the hands of Roblox developers.
Script Assets catgirlin_space Preview all assets in a script for Roblox Studio & VS Code

Honorable Mentions

A list of resources that doesn’t fit anywhere.


Here you can find list of good tutorials, handpicked by me.

Beginner Tutorials

Here’s the list of tutorials made for beginners.

Advanced Tutorials

I expect you to have some knowledge about scripting and/or Roblox Studio in general, because some of these tutorials can be complicated. I can’t really help you if you have some issues with them because I don’t make those tutorials.

Tips and Tricks


You are welcome to contribute to this repository to make changes and/or add some interesting resources! Sharing is caring :D

Apologize if there is bad grammar in this readme, as English is not my native language! :)
Thanks for reading, though!

Foot notes

  1. According to this DevForum post, session locking is a solution to dealing with the race condition between loading and saving data with DataStore API calls, when for instance, loading data is faster than the data being saved in a time frame despite saving data being first. 

  2. Explained by the man himself (loleris): Assume that a state is any kind of data that has a present version and may also change at any time in the future, as many times as necessary. The data about a player which you load up during gameplay or save to the DataStore is a state. The color of a part, text shown on a users screen and furniture placed in a player owned house are all states - ReplicaService helps you make server-side code to control and replicate any state to all clients at once or only a select few.